Lighthouse At A Glance

Our God
We believe in and worship the one true God of the Bible. He is both Creator and Lord of all and has revealed Himself in the Bible as a God of holiness, justice, mercy and love. And this same God sent His Son Jesus–who is Himself God in the flesh–to save us from our sin (Hebrews 1:1-4). Therefore, we love and worship Jesus Christ as God–for He is–and are passionate about telling others about Him.

The Scripture
Sadly, much of Christianity has become less and less focused on the Word of God, the Bible. However, we make it the “main thing” in every worship service and Bible study. Expositional preaching offers the main point of the Scriptural text as the main point of the sermon. Timeless biblical truths from both the Old and New Testament are made applicable to life today in a practical and life-changing way. The King James Version is used in our preaching and teaching ministries.

The Gospel
We proclaim “Good News”–Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Savior, paid the penalty for our sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). We proclaim a Person–not a system, a set of rules, or a religion–because we desire for everyone to truly know God and enjoy a real relationship with Him. And this is only possible through the sacrifice of Jesus. He alone is only way, truth, and life (John 14:6).

Our Worship
Desiring to worship God in a way that pleases Him–which we can know from the Bible–we gather together in a way that is both personal and yet measured. In other words, we want to experience all that God desires to teach us from His Word and to joyfully praise Him for all that He is and has done. But we also recognize that He is Lord and King and desire to approach Him with the proper reverence. We are ever striving to properly worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).

Our Purpose
Simply put, we exist to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. This means that we are striving to proclaim the gospel to everyone in our area and to be apart of spreading this good news throughout America and the world. But our goal is not just to educate but to see God transform lives as people become real disciples of Jesus, knowing Him, loving Him and wholeheartedly centering their lives around Him. This is our calling and our mission and our purpose as a church–all so that God would be seen and known as God (Matthew 28:19-21).
What We Believe
This assembly accepts the Bible as it’s absolute authority in matters of faith and practice. In short, we believe:
- In the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture.
- In one God eternally existing in three Persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
- In the creation of all things in six 24-hour days directly by God
- In the sinful, human nature of man, justly condemned by God
- In eternally secure salvation from sin, death, and hell through faith alone in the substitutionary life and death of Jesus Christ
- In the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ
- In Christ’s bodily resurrection
- In the personal, bodily, pre-millennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ and His millennial reign on the earth
- In a literal Heaven and a literal Hell
- In the person of Satan
- In the autonomy of the local church
- In baptism by immersion for believers
- In the regular partaking of the Lord’s Table by obedient believers
- In the responsibility of all believers to make disciples of all the world
- That salvation is evidenced by living in obedience to the Word of God.
- That God gives us His strength through the Holy Spirit, enabling us to live a pure and abundant life as a Christian.
We are a fundamental, independent, separated, missionary-minded, local Baptist church.